The South Williamstown Community Association

A Guide to Southlawn Cemetery

Download the full PDF of this book. A Guide to Southlawn Cemetery The Historical Committee South Williamstown Community Association Williamstown, Massachusetts 2015 A Guide to Southlawn Cemetery Text and photographs by Regina Rouse Illustration and maps by John...

History of Camp Hart 1947-1964

By Brenda Hart In the summer of 1947, Thomas Hart officially opened Hart’s Camp (later changed to Camp Hart) with just four boys. By the time the camp closed in 1964, sixty boys were there for the summer. When the camp first opened a few of the boys came from...
Field Farm:  South Williamstown Treasure

Field Farm: South Williamstown Treasure

Field Farm, an expanse of lush hayfields, lovely forests, meadows, pond and marshes, lies on a level stretch of land at the western edge of the valley just below the foothills of the Taconic Range.  At present 300+ acres of land, the original parcel of 254 acres of...