The South Williamstown Community Association

  Dear Neighbor,

Start thinking about what you might bring as a potluck contribution to our SWCA Bar-B-Q Monday, August 22, from 5:30-7:30PM.  It's a good chance to get to know some new neighbors, re-connect with old friends and share some good food outdoors under the tent at Waubeeka Golf Links.
SWCA is providing the main course,  We'll be grilling burgers (including veggie burgers), hot dogs and chicken to go with potluck side dishes that we're requesting you bring.  We'll provide beverages, tableware and melon for dessert.  Waubeeka will be providing a cash bar and local string band Rosin the Beaux will be making music.
There will be an auction of star attraction home-made baked goods to benefit the Williamstown Food Pantry

It’s all free, but donations will be accepted. Guests are welcome.