Comprehensive Plan Steering
Committee Calls on You
The Comprehensive Plan Envisioning Williamstown 2035 is reaching toward
its final phase. We hope to have the final plan ready in September. We have
prepared an Existing Conditions report; tabled, held out-reach sessions, and
conducted a survey. We are now consolidating all that work into our plan for
the future.
We need your help! Please join us Sunday, April 16, at 2pm at Sweetwood
Independent Living. We will share our vision statement, and our plan to date
and most importantly, get your input on proposed future actions.
You can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan here:
Committee Calls on You
The Comprehensive Plan Envisioning Williamstown 2035 is reaching toward
its final phase. We hope to have the final plan ready in September. We have
prepared an Existing Conditions report; tabled, held out-reach sessions, and
conducted a survey. We are now consolidating all that work into our plan for
the future.
We need your help! Please join us Sunday, April 16, at 2pm at Sweetwood
Independent Living. We will share our vision statement, and our plan to date
and most importantly, get your input on proposed future actions.
You can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan here: