The South Williamstown Community Association

July 12, 2023

To the South Williamstown Community,

How wonderful to see everyone at the Annual meeting on Tuesday evening. To the people who tried to renew membership or join SWCA with cash, my profoundest apologies for being unprepared to make change. But, something interesting came up in conversation and I hope this quick letter from your treasurer will answer some questions.

A few people asked about their membership status and for that there is no easy answer. Traditionally, many people register or renew on or about the time of the Annual meeting in July. With that in mind, a few checks begin to arrive in late June and I begin a new spreadsheet. People renew throughout the year depending on their personal preference but I do see the majority of renewals in the summer months with reminders sent in the quarterly newsletter. Occasionally, someone will send another check but Bette and I are pretty good at finding any duplication and letting the sender know. If you have concerns about your membership, please email

On another topic, your SWCA membership is separate and apart from support for the Store at Five Corners Stewardship Association (SAFCSA). Although SWCA acts as fiscal sponsor for SAFCSA so that your contributions to it are tax-deductible, we maintain our own account apart from theirs. Your membership fees are used for a number of social gatherings throughout the year, two Repair Cafes, to support our collaborations with several other non-profits, to fund a summer reading teacher, and to reach out quarterly with a beautiful newsletter to keep you informed about things that may impact our community.

Thank you for supporting SWCA and I hope to see many of you again at the August 14th Potluck Barbeque if not before.

Mindy Hackner, SWCA Treasurer